Crecimiento Personal (Personal Growth) is a space created for each expression group at Cantera (theater, music, dance, environmental brigades, and the communications team) where members come together monthly to reflect, dialogue, and share different parts of their reality. In these spaces, youth and children share a common ground where they reflect on their reality, participate in activities that encourage critical thinking, and discuss different themes like self-esteem, sexuality and gender equality, and non-violence.
Cantera offers the youth of Ciudad Sandino courses in different forms of expression that include music, dance, theater, karate, an environmental group and a communications group. Within each group is the potential for youth to participate, learn a skill, and begin to realize their own potential. Following the popular education methodology of Paulo Freire, Crecimiento Personal offers the youth of these expression groups a space to reflect on their lived-reality, analyze root-causes of problems in their reality, and find ways to create change and social justice in an empowering way.
This photo is from a recent Personal Growth space with children, facilitated by Anabell (R) and Oscar of the Technical Team of the center here and Jesuit Volunteer, Lauren (L). The focus of the session was on identifying positive values the children hope to live out.
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