We need your solidarity to continue our work of changing lives and working towards a more just world.
Please contact us to learn how to get involved!
Community Center of Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua
Centro de Cantera
Zona 6, contiguo al Colegio Solomon Ibarra
Cuidad Sandino
Managua, Nicaragua
Phone: (011-505) 2269-0717
Email: mojucs@gmail.com
For more information in English about the program, making donations, or how to visit us, contact: Sister Dianne Fanguy: dfanguy@ibw.com.ni and the Youth Movement at: mojucs@gmail.com
Please support our ongoing projects and campaigns that affect the lives of over 600 children, adolescents, and youth in the community. Tax-deductible donations can be sent to:
And contact Sister Dianne: dfanguy@ibw.com.ni
Thank you!