Murals for Social Change
Part of our work includes outreach to members of community and education through the arts. Through our murals, we are able to transmit ideas about environmental protection, celebration of Nicaraguan culture and identity, the promotion of a culture of peace, promotion of human rights and women's rights, and other themes. Below are a few of the murals youth from Ciudad Sandino have designed and painted in recent years.
Carlos (L) and Edwin
Members of the Youth Movement helped to paint this mural with members of the Red Projoven (Pro-Youth Network) of Cantera, in March 2009 |
Mural painted with members of the Youth Movement and Williams College to promote a culture of peace, 2010. (Design: Edwin Sanchez)
Detail of a mural celebrating Nicaraguan history and culture, 2009 (Design: Edwin Sanchez) |
We painted this mural in October, 2009 to promote active citizenship. It was sadly erased a few months later by a company and replaced by an advertising mural. Since that time, we've been working with the mayor's office to have murals painted in Ciudad Sandino protected as municipal patrimony
Members of the Youth Movement: (L-R) Eduardo, Chele, Carlos, Meyling, and Anabell |
Mural celebrating women's participation in society and struggle for equal rights, 2008 |
We are finishing this mural this week to promote a clean, green community in Ciudad Sandino. (Design by Edwin Sanchez) |