We serve more than 600 children, adolescents, youth and their families through educational programs in music, dance, theatre, and sports, in addition to community action campaigns for social and environmental justice. We employ a methodology of popular education, focusing on the integral formation of participants in their emotional and spiritual growth, as well as their growth as citizens able to analyze their reality and act for positive change
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Celebrating International Day of People with Disabilities
Monday, August 23, 2010
Flooding Crisis in Ciudad Sandino, August 19 and 20th
Afectacion Por Lluvias en Ciudad Sandino
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Cantera hosts second annual Theater Festival
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Mural for a Clean, Green, Community

Creating Spaces for Personal Growth
Crecimiento Personal (Personal Growth) is a space created for each expression group at Cantera (theater, music, dance, environmental brigades, and the communications team) where members come together monthly to reflect, dialogue, and share different parts of their reality. In these spaces, youth and children share a common ground where they reflect on their reality, participate in activities that encourage critical thinking, and discuss different themes like self-esteem, sexuality and gender equality, and non-violence.