Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cantera hosts third annual Popular Theater Festival

This past Sunday, August 14, Cantera hosted the third annual Theater Festival here in Ciudad Sandino with the theme, “Theater as a way of life”. With seven groups participating from Cantera, Movitep, and various theater programs in Managua and Leon, the audience of around 200 enjoyed performances, written and performed by the groups themselves, on different themes such as domestic violence and bullying, adolescent pregnancy and sexual health, and child/youth rights. People of all ages participated in the festival, whether performing or watching, with theater groups comprised of children, adolescents, teens, and adults.
Various Cantera expression groups and programs helped to make the day and the festival a success, with the communications team taking photos and the Karate school in charge of lunch. The pre-school teachers also set up snack tables where they made and sold different Nicaraguan snacks to raise money for Cantera and the pre-school program.

The Theater Festival at Cantera and the groups that perform are based around Popular Theater, or Theater of the Oppressed, a methodology that uses theater as a means of delivering social messages to the audience according to their specific reality and creating a space for critical thinking, reflection, and dialogue.